Editorial Board Member of Elsevier’s Materials Science in Semiconducting Processing

63rd Electronic Materials Conference Invited Organizer

BNL Visiting Faculty and User of NSLS II and CFN

International X-ray Scattering Conference (IXS) 2019, Stony Brook University, NY

EXAFS 2018

Invited talk: SUNY Canton

Invited talk: FIU

Invited talk: USF

Marietta Daily Journal Solar PV Article

Latest Updates

International Travel to the United Kingdom

Visited Imperial College London, the Department of Bioengineering - hosted by Marshall Scholar Ophelia Johnson. Traveled to the University of Oxford and Professor Henry Snaith's Photovoltaic and Optoelectronic Device Group at the Clarendon Laboratory - hosted by Marshall Scholar Kelly Schutt.

Brookhaven National Lab

National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS II) current and past user of the QAS 7-BM, 28-ID-2 XPD and SRX 5-ID beamlines for XAS, XPD, XANES and XRF. Center for Functional Nanomaterials (CFN) user probing perovskites using PL, XPS, SEM/FIB and AFM techniques.


Participation in NREL's Hands-On Photovoltaics Experience (HOPE) program.

El Paso Electric Company

The Renewable and Emergent Technologies Team at El Paso Electric Company provided tours of their newest Community Solar facility and the Stanton Tower Solar System to a large group of students from our Applied Photovoltaics, Renewable Energy and Energy Sustainability courses.


Deidra R. Hodges, Ph.D.

Email: dhodges@fiu.edu